Take It In The Ass: Staying Healthy In A COVID World

covid fitness health Sep 28, 2021

Let me start by saying we are 100% aware that you don't get a vaccine in the ass. They put it in your arm. However, if we titled this "Take It In The Arm" you probably wouldn't be reading right now.  

Since you're here. You might as well keep reading. I actually started writing this post weeks ago and everyday I've had to go back and edit it.


“I can’t breathe….I don’t want to die.”

This was a message I received from my mother 35 days ago. 

My mother was admitted to the hospital with COVID-19 on August 25th. 

She was 72 years old. She lived a sedentary life, had severe seasonal allergies and asthma.  No other medical issues.

My step-father is 63 years old. He works at a steel mill, is in pretty good shape, and has no underlying health conditions.

He was admitted to the hospital on August 30th with COVID-19, 5 days after my mother.

Both of them presented with COVID viral pneumonia and extremely high fevers. 

I won't...

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